" IQ game Improve mind" Answers
  • Level 1 Question: Fewa lake Answer: Pokhara
  • Level 2 Question: World biggest country Answer: Russia
  • Level 3 Question: second largest ocean Answer: Atlantic Ocean
  • Level 4 Question: First Nepali coins Answer: Shakya coins
  • Level 5 Question: No 1foofball players2022 Answer: Lionel Messi
  • Level 6 Question: Area of russia Answer: 17100000 km2
  • Level 7 Question: Who developed AI Answer: John McCarthy
  • Level 8 Question: Who developed computer Answer: CharlesBabbage
  • Level 9 Question: National bird of africa Answer: blue crane
  • Level 10 Question: Taj Mahal Answer: India
  • Level 11 Question: Top of the world Answer: Mt Everest
  • Level 12 Question: World bank established Answer: 1944

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